Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Resounding Success!!!

We would like to publicly thank all of you who helped make our Palmyra fund-raiser (or FUN-raiser as we now refer to it) a big SUCCESS! At first we thought it was going to be a real bummer, to say that we had a slow start would be an understatement. Fortunately, there's lots of dirty cars on the Island and kind-hearted people who didn't mind spending a few bucks for the cause, even if they had to get out and help our YM just a wee bit themselves.(Thanks Tom-Tom and Bro. Kevin) If Brooke hadn't rushed home for her super-absorbent chamois who knows how that would have ended up! As it worked out though, the car wash was a real money machine and it turns out we had some young-men-in-training helping out for a while. (Just ask Jordy and Sis. Thelma and they'll tell you about one particular up and coming Primary guy [which means he is still in nursery, can you guess who it is yet?] who was DANGEROUS when he commandeered the water hose!) Shewwwww, that was a run-on sentence, and speaking of running, here's another clue as to the aforementioned culprit, he runs a lot. His poor mom and dad (and everyone else in earshot with proper running shoes) spends his/her time chasing him around...but he always has a big smile on his face.
Back to the FUN raiser....we learned a lesson from this past Saturday in regards to the bake-sale part of it, namely that it is the cakes and pies that are the best sellers, particularly the former. So next time, and we do plan to have at least one more before the buses roll, we will be asking for mainly those 2 items. Once again, please know we appreciate all you do to help us, all of you!

AND.....Sunday we are proud to say we had a FULL HOUSE...and it is SOOOOOO good when our seats are full of YW!!! We were lucky to have Sister Abby Hancock visit with us. She is from Utah and was visiting with family on Harkers Island. We thoroughly enjoyed Sister Abby. Please keep in touch, and let us know how you are doing and any fun or exciting things that may be happening with the Young Women in your Ward or in the great state of Utah.


Emily said...

Its Jacob that she's talking about! You know that crazy kid who won't even allow his poor mother to even sit through Sacrament Meeting without having a nervous breakdown!

Yes - Jacob got hold of the water hose.

That's all that needs to be said!

Ryan said...

First of all I have to say that the boys (and Margaret and Brooke) did a great job washing cars and the pies and cakes at the bake sale were a hit! I feel a little hurt that no one has mentioned how absolutely delicious the hot dogs were. Katie and I were hard at work! We had to open the hot dog package, then put the hot dogs on the grill, wait for them to cook, and finally put them on a bun!!!! It should definitely be considered heavy duty manual labor. There were several occasions where Katie and myself almost thought we were going to start sweating!!!

I refuse to believe that Jacob would do something like that!! It would be so out of character.

Mikal said...

So glad that you feel like the Fun-raiser was successful. When the day was over and the monies were counted I am sure it was a relief. The best part of this type of event is the unity that is shared by all who participate. The wonderful ward family and community love to see the youth involved in worthwhile things. Would love to see pics added.

Ryan and Katie had to man the heat of the grill while others enjoyed the cool splash of water from the carwash. Hmm...Seems unfair.

Success has its measure! Even better luck on your next one.